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HSB identification

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HSB at ID4Africa 2024

From May 21 – 24, 2024 the next Annual General Meeting of ID4Africa is held in Capetown, South-Africa. Thousands of government officials will attend this event to be updated how digital identity systems can support social development in Africa.

HSB identification will show solutions for mass enrolment with Biometric Registration kits, AI driven document authentication as applied in border control and the generation of Mobile ID’s on smart phones. Be welcome and visit us at booth C16.


ID4Africa 2024

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The unique functionality of human DNA in the biometric market.

Everyone is unique. Not only by looks and character but also via their biometric information. Fingerprint recognition is one of the most used and known biometrics in the modern world. However, DNA is also a perfect candidate for the recognition of people. It is especially useful for the search of lost or missing family member(s) and within the criminal justice system.

The DNA search method is known within the criminal justice system since 1998. For lost or missing family members Interpol has realized back in 2004 a DNA database to identify human remains which does not allow fingerprints to be taken or when dental X-rays are not available. Recently Interpol also realized a family DNA matching service called I-Familia (Interpol, 2021). I-Familia is fully focused on the search for missing persons and is made out of three components:

  • A dedicated global database to host the DNA profiles provided by relatives (held separately from any criminal data);
  • The DNA matching software;
  • Interpretation guidelines for identification and reporting of potential matches.

To get the required information from DNA, a relatively long time sometimes even weeks pass. Luckily technologies improve which also applies for the use of DNA within the biometric market!

A solution which can be provided by HSB is the ANDE Rapid DNA solution. This device allows a non-technical user to insert up to five swaps in the device. The device will process the swaps and within two hours actionable results are provided!










This solution is specifically useful for special operations operating in remote areas, law enforcement, government & immigration and Rape & Sexual Assault cases. All mentioned markets have a common aspect, they require fast processes and cannot wait for weeks with the conventional way of doing a DNA matching process. Benefits of the ANDE Rapid DNA solution:

  • Fast – DNA results in 2 hours
  • Easy to use – Designed for use by non-technical personnel
  • Accurate – Results at least as good as conventional labs
  • Portable – Rugged for use outside of a lab

Any questions or do you see potential for our solution? Complete our contact form by visiting the contact-us page or do you want to read more about HSB’s solutions click here!

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The importance of deduplication and adjudication in identity management solutions

Deduplication: “the elimination of duplicate or redundant information, especially in computer data. “Deduplication removes the repetitive information before storing it”.

Adjudication: “the process or act of making an official decision about something”.

Within an identity management solution these definitions are not any different! As an example, in an election process deduplication shall ensure that a person is not registered twice. This to realize that every individual can only cast one vote. The de-duplication process starts when the registration data is uploaded in the central system. The deduplication process matches the biometric data of the voters against each other. If a match is found this record is saved and stored as possible match.

All the possible matches, as an outcome of the automated deduplication process, can now be processed by a human action. This human action, when a trained authorized staff member makes an official decision about the automated duplicate match, is the process of adjudication. Within an identity management solution, the authorized staff member will be given an overview of the potential matches including biometric and biographic information. Using the below figure the staff member will be given all matches with A – A – A, B – B- B, C – C – C and D – D – D. Before all these matches are removed the authorized staff member will decide if these found matches are indeed similar.  If so, duplicates are removed till a single tile or within the identity management solution till one registration of a person.

An example where the deduplication process has been monitored is in Nigeria. The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) of Nigeria has disclosed that it has removed 16.5 million duplicated names from the voter roll between 2011 and 2019.

HSB identification is a trustworthy partner with experience in biometric elections in English and French speaking African countries. HSB can deliver the system and can also provide several services among which training and consultancies.

Any questions, complete our contact form by visiting the contact-us page or do you want to read more about HSB’s election solution click here!

Image reference: and is  courtesy of


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Chad presents updated electoral register

On 12th of February 2021 the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) in Chad presented the updated electoral register. This is a significant milestone and we are proud of our team who worked hard for this achievement

After successfully performing the de-duplication and adjudication processes, based on a combination of fingerprint and face matching, around 200.000 duplicates have been removed. Currently, more than seven million Chadians are now eligible to vote for the upcoming elections. According to the statistics, it showed that 49.24% of the registered voters are men and 50.76% are women. The chart below shows the distribution of gender among voters per region in Chad.

The issuance of new voter cards will start in March 2021. Following updates will be available on our website!

Would you like to know more about our solutions, click here and choose the solution you would like to explore! You can also directly send an e-mail to or complete the contact request form.


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HSB identification implements New Biometric Voter Management System in Chad

HSB Identification B.V. (HSB) has successfully implemented a new biometric voter management system for elections in Chad. This end-to-end solution allows the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) to register new voters and revise the current voters list.

Despite the particular geographic context of Chad, with an area of ​​1,284,000 km2 and a population of 16.6 million, the CENI is able to update electoral rolls and register new voters using a few thousand sophisticated biometric registration kits. The collected data is transferred to the new central infrastructure delivered as part of the project. The solution of HSB also enables deduplication with fingerprints and facial recognition (ABIS), updating the voter register and printing voters lists and voter cards.

The voter registration process includes the registration of biographical information in combination with the biometric information consisting of capturing photo images and ten [10] fingerprints. The rugged biometric registration kit is designed to be easy to use in all climate conditions.

In addition to the initial hardware and software deliveries, HSB identification will maintain and support the system including transfer of knowledge and skills.

After the registration phase in October 2020, up to 8 million voters are registered and able to vote during the next elections. Thanks to the contribution of HSB identification Chad now has the most advanced technology to keep the voters list up to date for years to come.



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AidEx – Closing Statement

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On the 13th – 14th of November 2019 HSB identification has participated in the major event about international aid and development, AidEx, which was hosted in Brussels, Belgium.

HSB identification would like to thank every party involved realizing this major event. Including visitors, partners but also organizers who planned, organized and presented the event with much passion. HSB identification’s team enjoyed the interesting interactions.



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HSB to participate at AidEx (13th – 14th November 2019)

On the 13th – 14th of November 2019 HSB identification will participate in the major event about international aid and development, AidEx, which is hosted in Brussels, Belgium. Visit HSB to see and discuss solutions to create and verify unique identities, which include (mobile) registration units, biometric matching and de-duplication, identity management and authentication services. These products can benefit to markets such as: civil / national ID and AID programs (in rural and remote areas), social and financial inclusion, elections and border control.

AidEx’s fundamental aim is to engage the sector at every level and provide an annual forum for aid and development professionals to meet, source, supply and learn.

You are welcome to visit HSB’s booth A10. Contact us at

More information about our solutions can be found at:   For more information about AidEx visit:

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HSB identification to deliver advanced biometric system

HSB identification is proud to announce that it has signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense (MoD) in The Netherlands. This agreement includes delivery of advanced biometric means for the expeditionary registration, verification and identification of persons abroad. The Netherlands armed Forces will use multiple types of mobile devices, databases and advanced biometric algorithms.

More information about our solutions can be found at: .

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